Laute, Gambe und Gesang
Revised by Thurston Dart
No Lute Tablature is printed
Can doleful notes (B - D)
Coy Daphne fled (C - F)
Dost thou withdraw thy grace? (G - F)
Drop not mine eyes (C sharp - E)
Eyes look no more (D - E)
Grief, keep within (C sharp - E)
Have all our passions (C - E)
He whose desires are still abroad (D - F)
I die whenas I do not see (C - E)
If I could shut the gate (E - E)
Let not Cloris think (C - D)
Like as the lute delights (C - E flat)
Mrs Anne Grene (lute only)
No, let chromatic tunes (B - D)
Now, the earth, the skies, the air (group of voices/duet D - E: C - E)
Stay, cruel stay (D - E)
Thou pretty bird (D - F)
Time cruel time (E flat - E flat)
Uncertain certain turns (C - D)
What delight can they enjoy? (D - F)
Why canst thou not? (E - F)