Revised by Thurston Dart
With Lute Tablature
The English Lute Songs Vol. 8 + 9
And would you fain the reason no (G - F)
And would you see my mistress'; face (G - F)
Ay me that love (F sharp - F)
If I hope I pine (F sharp - D)
If I urge my kind desires (F sharp - D)
If she forsake me (F sharp - E)
Kind in unkindness (F sharp - F)
Let him that will be free (F sharp - E)
Long have mine eyes gaz'd (F sharp - E flat)
No grave for woe (D - D)
Reprove not love (D - D)
Shall I come if I swim (D - D)
Shall then a traitorous kiss (F sharp - D)
Sweet come again (G - G)
Though far from joy (F sharp - F)
Unless there were consent (F sharp - E flat)
What heart's content (F sharp - E)
What is a day (F - E flat)
What then is love but mourning (G - F)
When Laura smiles (D - E)
Whether men do laugh or weep (D - E)