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Komponist: Martin, Joseph 
Artikelart: NOTEN
Besetzung: Chor (3st.)
Anlass: -
Verlag:Shawnee Press
Verlag-Nr.: HL35028163, 9781458417954
Bestellnummer:  BM613554
Auslieferbar: in 1 bis 4 Wochen info

13,99 €

inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten


Martin, Joseph

The Song Everlasting - A Sacred Cantata based on Early American Songs - SAB

From the composer who brought you Tapestry of Light, The Rose of Calvary and The Lenten Sketches, comes a new work filled with the music of grace. The life of Christ is dramatically presented in this choral cantatathat tells the gospel story using American folk songs and hymns. Filled with time-honored tunes and texts, this masterfully arranged work will connect with the congregation and choir alike.

Divided into threesections-Ministry, Humility and Victory-this cantata can be done progressively throughout Lent, Holy Week and Eastertide, or it can be performed as one large celebration of the life of Christ. The miracle and blessing of Christ'searthly ministry, the humility of His passion and the victory of His resurrection fill this work with emotion and power. Thoughtful narration and spectacular orchestrations crown the cantata with variety and skill. Optionalmoments for congregational participation are included to incorporate your community of faith. A full line of support products is available.


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