This important Requiem demonstrates Gabriel Jackson's gift for writing mesmerising choral music on a large scale. Combining sections of the traditional Requiem text with poems from other cultures and traditions, Jackson here has created a work which embraces a wide-ranging perspective on human mortality. Each movement is given a different character and musical style, and the result is a unique, sublime work which cannot fail to impress.
for SATB (with divisions) unaccompanied Duration: 30 minutes
The original inspiration for my Requiem was to combine the hieratic, grave objectivity of the great Iberian Requiems with something more personal, intimate even, so as to reflect the individual as well as the universal experience of loss. To this end I have replaced alternate movements of the Latin Mass for the Dead with funereal poems from other cultures and spiritual traditions. The interesting thing about these very different meditations on the meaning of human mortality-by the Buddhist Rabindranath Tagore, the Quaker Walt Whitman, Hojo Ujimasa the Samurai, the Australian Aboriginal poet Kevin Gilbert, and the eighteenth-century Mohican Chief Aupumut-is that ultimately they all express a similar view of death to the European Christian one: that it is not the end, but the gateway to another life. The resulting sequence, full of images of light and the promise of eternal life, is radiantly optimistic; this seems only right to me, as the purpose of any Requiem setting is surely to heal, and to console the living.
Requiem Aeternam I Epitaph Requiem Aeternam II Autumn wind of eve Sanctus & Benedictus Peace, my heart Lux aeterna
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