The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time.
All appear in completely new editions by Anthony G. Petti.
Adjuva Me Domine (Conseil)
Auxilium Meum (Passereau)
Benedic Anima Mea (De Sermisy)
Benedicite Deum Caeli (De Longueval)
Caro Mea (Gasgogne)
Gloria In Excelsis (Goudimel)
Maria Magdalene (Dulot)
O Vos Omnes (Jachet Of Mantua)
Reges Terrae (Mouton)
Sancta Maria (Lheritier)
Viri Galilei (Couillart)