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Komponist: Dupré, Marcel (1886-1971) 
Artikelart: NOTEN
Besetzung: Orgel 2hd.
Anlass: -
Verlag:Alfred Publishing
Verlag-Nr.: 0769241956, 9780769241951
Bestellnummer:  BM105647
Auslieferbar: 1 Expl. an Lager und sofort lieferbar.
Weitere Exemplare in 1 bis 4 Wochen info

20,95 €

inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten


Dupré, Marcel (1886-1971)

79 Chorales for the Organ op. 28

Marcel Dupre prepared these short works, not as "another version" of the famous chorales and chorale preludes of J. S. Bach, but rather as a means of making the beginning organist aware of the beautiful chorale melodies and to prepare him or her for the study of Bach’s works. Included are registration suggestions, fingering, pedaling notation, and dynamics. This is an important book for the development of the organist’s technical and artistic skills, and at the same time for the presentation of beautiful organ chorales.

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Abide With Us, O Lord Jesus Christ
All Men Shall Die
Awake! Hear The Call Of Watchmen
Before Thy Throne I Will Appear
Beloved Jesus, Here We Stand
By The Rivers Of Babylon
Christ Is Risen From The Dead
Christ Lay In The Bonds Of Death
Christ My Lord, God`s Only Begotten Son
Christ Our Lord To Jordan Came
Christ The Lamb Of God
Christ Who Maketh Us Glad
Come God, Creator, Holy Ghost
Come Now, Saviour Of The Heathen
Come, Holy Ghost, Lord God
Deck Thyself, O Beloved Soul
Descend, O Jesus, From Heaven To Earth
From Heaven Above Came Angels
Give Praise To Jesus Christ
Glory Be To God On High
Hail To Thee, Blessed Jesus
Have Mercy Upon Me, O Lord, My God
He That Suffereth God To Guide Him
Help Me Glorify The Grace Of God
Help Me, O God, That I My Overcome
Holy Jesus Is Risen From The Dead
How Bright Shineth The Day-star
I Will Never Part From God
In My Beloved God
In Quiet Joy
In Thee Is Joy
In Thee, Lord, I Have Hoped
In Thee, O God, Have I Put My Trust
Jesus Christ, Our Saviour
Jesus My Joy
Jesus My Trust
Jesus On The Cross
Kyrie, Christ The Comforter Of The Wrold
Kyrie, God The Everlasting Father
Kyrie, God The Holy Ghost
Lord God, Now Open Wide Thy Heaven
Lord Jesus Christ, Turn Unto Us
My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord
My Soul Longeth To Depart In Peace
Now Thank We All Our God
O Christ Who Art The Light Of The World
O Gracious God
O How Vain, O How Fleeting
O Innocent Lamb Of God
O Lord My God
O Man, Mourn For Thy Many Sins
On This Day The Son Of God Triumpheth
Our Father In Heaven
Out Of High Heaven Have I Come
Out Of The Depths Have I Cried Unto Thee
Praise God, All Ye Christians
Praise The Lord God Almighty
Praise To Thee, Jesus Christ
Rejoice Now, Beloved Christians
Salvation Has Been Brought To Us
The Child Was Born In Bethlehem
The Glorious Day Is Come
The Holy Infant Shall Be My Consolation
The Old Year Has Passed Away
The Son Of God Is Come
These Are The Ten Holy Commandments
This Day Is Full Of Gladness
Through Adam`s Fall Is The World Defiled
Unto Thee I Cry, O Lord Jesus
We All Believe In One God
We Christians
We Thank Thee, Lord Jesus, For Thy Redemptive Death
Whither Shall I Flee?

This book contains 79 easy Chorales for organ written on the melodies of the 79 old Chorales which Bach used in his Chorale Preludes. It is need- less to say the scheme has not been to give another version of the Bach Chorales. 
The object of the present book is merely educational. It has been conceived with a view to making the student familiar with the magnificent melodies of the Chorales, in the earlier stages of his work, and to prepare him the better for the study of the Chorales, which are too difficult for beginners.

Hersteller: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH, Lützerathstr. 127, 51107 Köln, Deutschland,

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Orgelnoten Chornoten Klaviernoten Cembalonoten Notenversand Herzlich willkommen beim Bodensee-Musikversand. Der Bodensee-Musikversand wurde im Jahre 1987 in Gaienhofen am Bodensee gegründet. Von Anfang an haben wir uns auf das große und umfangreiche Gebiet der Kirchenmusik spezialisiert, um einen umfassenden Service für Kirchenmusiker/innen bieten zu können. Inzwischen umfasst unser Sortiment zunehmend auch Instrumentalwerke und moderne Musik, da sich diese immer mehr in die Kirchenmusik einfügt. Wir sind ein Vollsortimenter, der Ihnen auch schwer zu besorgende Titel besorgt. Suchen Sie Noten und Musikbücher? Dann sind Sie bei uns in Radolfzell ganz richtig gelandet. Wir sind ein klassisches Noten Fachgeschäft mit Beratung! Stöbern Sie in unserem großen Noten und Bücher Sortiment für Orgel, Chor, Klavier, Cembalo, Keyboard, Holzbläser, Blechbläser, Streicher, Bücher, CDs. Sie suchen etwas und finden es nicht gleich in unserem Shop? Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.