Description: The 100 pieces in this collection have been specifically chosen from our most popular collections for organ. They have been brought together under one cover to provide the parish organist with preludes for all the best-loved hymn tunes for the major festivals of the liturgical year. A glance at the contents will indicate just how useful this book is.
!!!Advent _________ Cross of Jesus - Andrew Fletcher Franconia - Andrew Fletcher Halton Holgate - Philip Moore Merton - Malcolm Archer Veni, Emmanuel - Noel Rawsthorne Veni, Emmanuel - Andrew Moore Wachet auf - Rosalie Bonighton Winchester New - Malcolm Archer _________________________ !!!Christmas and Epiphany _________________________ 'Adeste fideles' - Noel Rawsthorne Birjina Gazbettobat Zegoen - Noel Rawsthorne Bransle de l'Official - Noel Rawsthorne Bransle de l'Official - Christopher Tambling Bunessan - Andrew Moore Corde Natus - Malcolm Archer Corde Natus - Philip Moore Coventry carol - Betty Roe Cradle song - Richard Lloyd Cradle song - Andrew Moore Cranham - Malcolm Archer Cranham - Noel Rawsthorne Dix - Malcolm Archer Forest Green - Noel Rawsthorne God rest you merry, gentlemen - Noel Rawsthorne Greensleeves - Noel Rawsthorne Humility - Christopher Tambling In dulci jubilo - Noel Rawsthorne Infant holy - Andrew Fletcher Irby - Andrew Moore Irby - Noel Rawsthorne Iris - Colin Hand Iris - Noel Rawsthorne I saw three ships - Richard Proulx Kings of Orient - Noel Rawsthorne Mendelssohn - Noel Rawsthorne Mendelssohn - Martin Setchell Puer Nobis - Colin Mawby Puer Nobis - Noel Rawsthorne Quem pastores - Christopher Tambling Resonet in Laudibus - Colin Mawby Resonet in Laudibus - June Nixon Rocking - Philip Moore Stille Nacht - Norman Warren Stuttgart - Malcolm Archer Sussex carol - Quentin Thomas Tempus adest floridum - Paul Bryan The first Nowell - June Nixon The holly and the ivy - Richard Proulx Winchester Old - Andrew Moore Winchester Old - Philip Moore Yorkshire - Noel Rawsthorne _____________________ !!!Lent and Holy Week _____________________ Aus der Tiefe - June Nixon Belmont - Andrew Moore Caswall - Richard Lloyd Horsley - Richard Shephard Passion chorale - Andrew Moore Passion chorale - William Lloyd Webber Rockingham - Rosalie Bonighton Rockingham - Richard Proulx Song 13 (Canterbury) - A. E. Floyd Song 13 (Canterbury) - June Nixon Southwell - Colin Hand St Bernard - Andrew Fletcher St Theodulph - Andrew Moore Stabat Mater - Alan Viner Were you there - Christopher Tambling Winchester New - Andrew Moore Winchester New - William Lloyd Webber _______________________ !!!Easter and Ascension _______________________ Christ arose - Christopher Tambling Easter Hymn - Noel Rawsthorne Easter Hymn - Christopher Tambling Ellacombe - Philip Moore Ellacombe - June Nixon Gelob't sei Gott - Andrew Gant Llanfair - Andrew Moore Lux eoi - Andrew Moore Maccabaeus - Noel Rawsthorne Narenza - Colin Mawby Noel nouvelet - Malcolm Archer O filii et filiae - Colin Mawby O filii et filiae - Christopher Tambling Salzburg - Rosalie Bonighton Savannah - Rosalie Bonighton Savannah - Stanley Vann St Albinus - Paul Bryan St Fulbert - Richard Lloyd St Fulbert - Philip Moore St Helen - Christopher Tambling St John Damascene - Noel Rawsthorne This joyful Eastertide - Alan Ridout Victory - Colin Hand Victory - Noel Rawsthorne ____________ !!!Pentecost ____________ Capetown - Paul Bryan Carlisle - Paul Bryan Charity - Richard Proulx Farley Castle - June Nixon Tallis' Ordinal - John Jordan Veni, Creator Spiritus - Malcolm Archer Veni, Creator Spiritus - Richard Proulx Veni, Creator Spiritus - Noel Rawsthorne __________ !!!Trinity __________ Nicaea - John Marsh
Orgelnoten Chornoten Klaviernoten Cembalonoten Notenversand
Herzlich willkommen beim Bodensee-Musikversand. Der Bodensee-Musikversand wurde im Jahre 1987 in Gaienhofen am Bodensee gegründet.
Von Anfang an haben wir uns auf das große und umfangreiche Gebiet der Kirchenmusik spezialisiert, um einen umfassenden Service für Kirchenmusiker/innen bieten zu können. Inzwischen umfasst unser Sortiment zunehmend auch Instrumentalwerke und moderne Musik, da sich diese immer mehr in die Kirchenmusik einfügt. Wir sind ein Vollsortimenter, der Ihnen auch schwer zu besorgende Titel besorgt.
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