The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time.
All appear in completely new editions by Anthony G. Petti.
Ave Gratia Plena (Verdonck)
Dies Sanctificatus (Da Palestrina)
Dixit Maria (Hassler)
Ecce Virgo Concipies (Isaac)
Hodie Christus Natus Est (Marenzio)
Magi Veniunt Ab Oriente (Papa)
Ne Timeas Maria (Da Victoria)
O Magnum Mysterium (Byrd)
Omnis Mundus Jocundetur (Praetorius)
Prope Est Dominus (Regnart)
Rotare Caeli (Guerrero)
Verbum Caro Factum Est (Compere)