Farnaby, Gilles (1562-1640)
Keyboard Music - Musica Britannica Vol. 24
Prelude, Ground, Fantasien, Pavan, The Flat Pavan, Lachrymae Pavan, Walder Earl`s Pavan, Farmer`s Pavan, Galliard, Rosseter`s Galliard, Alman, Meridian Alman, Alman for two Virginals, Tower Hill, Jigg, Toy, The Old Spagnoletta, Mask, The Lord Zouche`s Mask, Bonny sweet Robin, Daphne, Mal Sims, Why ask you, Woody-cock, Rosasolis, The King`s Hunt, Giles Farnby`s Dream, His Rest, His Homour) (Musica Britannica Bd. 24)
This is music by an elusive figure, whose amateur status in no way impaired the creation of a picturesque keyboard style which experts have compared with that of certain Romantic masters. Four pieces by Richard Farnaby, son of Giles, are also included.First published in 1965, revised 1974.
Ausgabe: Library Volumes |