Drawn from our long-running periodical "The Church Pianist," each volume of "The Church Pianist's Library" contains ninety-six pages of music that is satisfying to play but technically accessible and in a handy wire-bound format. The music is linked to the church calendar, and each piece is timed to help you plan ahead. This volume will be an instant boost to your repertoire at a very reasonable price.
The Day of Resurrection - Larry Shackley
Christ Bursts the Bonds of Death - Gregg Sewell
Fanfare on “Ellacombe” - Lani Smith
O Love, How Deep - Jason W Krug
Were You There? - Anthony Giamanco
In the Garden - Jason W Krug
O Come and Sing Unto the Lord - Garrett Parker
A Prayer of Gethsemane (Prayer) - Brian Gibson
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us - Michael Wilson
Jesus Paid It All - Michael Cox
The Solid Rock - Michael Wilson
Holy Is the Lord - Lee Dengler
I Know Whom I Have Believed - Ruth Elaine Schram
My Lord, What a Morning - Larry Shackley
Legende - Lani Smith
All the Way, He Leadeth Me - Michael Wilson
Nearer, My God, to Thee - John Turner
The King of Love My Shepherd Is - Jason W Krug
Come, Thou Almighty King - Roger Summers
I’ve Got Peace Like a River - Anthony Giamanco
See How Great a Flame Aspires - Jason W Krug
A Joyful Song - Hugh S Livingston Jr.
Blessed Be the Name - Mary McDonald
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name - Sandra Eithun
God, That Madest Earth and Heaven - Jason W Krug
Adagio in G Minor - Larry Pugh
Fantasia on Come, Thou Fount - John Purifoy
Reflections on America - Hugh S Livingston Jr.
The Ringing of the Bells - Lani Smith
Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown - Jason W Krug
I Heard the Voice of Jesus - Lee Dengler
Ascension, Easter, General, Holy Week, Lent