Are you in need of a sudden infusion of new piano music for your church service repertoire? Are you in need of musically satisfying but technically accessible repertoire for each Sunday? Are you looking for a new repertoire source that follows the church calendar? Then you are looking for "The Church Pianist's Library," a compilation reprinted from "The Church Pianist," a bi-monthly journal. Each edition is 96 pages, wire-bound, church calendar-related, and timed for ease of planning. It's a great way to start a new library or to revive an existing one!
Thine Is the Glory - Lee Dengler
Christ the Lord is Risen Today - Richard Blake
Easter Interlude - Richard Blake
Ride On - Garrett Parker
Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross - Hugh S Livingston Jr.
Be Still My Soul - Laura Bergquist
Communion Suite - Robert C Lau
Fairest Lord Jesus - Janet Vogt
Come Ye Disconsolate - Penny Rodriguez
Go to Dark Gethsemane - Gilbert M Martin
To God Be the Glory - Lloyd Larson
Love Lifted Me - Ruth Elaine Schram
My Lord What a Morning - Robert W Thygerson
Moses - Roger Summers
I Must Tell Jesus - Lani Smith
To Delight in the Lord - Gerald Peterson
Holy Spirit Take My Heart - James Southbridge
Musette - Lani Smith
The King of Love My Shepherd Is - Gilbert M Martin
Holy Holy Holy - Mark Hayes
All Things Bright and Beautiful - Roger Summers
God Is Working - Richard Blake
Jesus Calls Us O´er the Tumult - James Pethel
Supplication - Lani Smith
O Worship the King - Gail L Hazard
The Cloistered Heart - Michael Shea
Create in Me a Clean Heart - Todd Beaney
There Is a Fountain - David Paxton
Ascension, Easter, General, Communion, Holy Week, Lent, Palm/Palm-Passion Sunday