Drawn from our long-running periodical "The Church Pianist," each volume of "The Church Pianist's Library" contains 104 pages of music that is satisfying to play but technically accessible and presented in a handy wire-bound format. The music is linked to the church calendar, and each piece is timed to help you plan ahead. This volume will be an instant boost to your repertoire at a very reasonable price.
Hosanna, Loud Hossana! - GMark Hayes
Lead Me to Calvary - GLarry Shackley
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee - GJohn Purifoy
Easter Joy!
Pie Jesu - GLani Smith
The Risen Lord - GEugene Butler
Wondrous Love - GLarry Shackley
When Jesus Wept - GWilliam Ringham
O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go - GR Kevin Boesiger
Come, Thou Almighty King - GLloyd Larson
Holy, Holy, Holy - GJohn Purifoy
Come Down, O Love Divine - GDon McAfee
This Is My Father’s World - GRichard Williamson
Claire de Lune/Blessed Assurance - GKendall Lord
Joy Transcending - GLani Smith
Homage - GLarry Pugh
Impromptu on Holy Manna - GHugh Livingston Jr.
Bryn Calfaria - GPenny Rodriguez
Crown Him with Many Crowns - GMark Hayes
See How Great a Flame Aspires - GDavid Paxton
Go Forth in Faith - GLani Smith
O Thou, in Whose Presence - GFranklin Ritter
Higher Ground - GJoseph Prentiss
The Gifts We Bring - GDavid Paxton
At the Lamb's High Feast - GTerry Osman
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind - GTedd Smith
Sunshine and Joy Medley - GMark Hayes
Just for Today - GHugh Livingston Jr.
Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart - GJohn Innes
Go Down, Moses - GAnthony Giamanco
My Faith, It Is an Oaken Staff - GLani Smith
I Know Whom I Have Believed - GJan Alexander
O Could I Speak the Matchless Worth - GLarry Shackley
You Shall Go Out With Joy - Geoffrey Andrews
Product Type: Sacred Piano
Division: Lorenz Publishing Company
Usage / Emphasis: General
Difficulty: Intermediate
Pages: 104