Children of the Heavenly Father Tom Fettke
He Leadeth Me Larry Shackley
I Need Thee Every Hour Anna Laura Page
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Jay Rouse
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty Tracey Craig McKibben
Let Freedom Ring Tom Fettke
Jesus Paid It All Mark Hayes
Holy Bible, Book Divine Larry Shackley
No, Not One! Marty Parks
Like a River Glorious Anna Laura Page
Jesus, Lover of My Soul Marty Parks
Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy Tracey Craig McKibben
To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King Anthony Giamanco
My Savior's Love Marty Parks
Blessed Redeemer Stan Pethel
More Love to Thee Marianne Kim
Crown Him with Many Crowns Jenifer Cook
Glorious Risen Lord! Jonathan W Lee
Let Us Break Bread Together Cindy Berry
Were You There? Mary McDonald
Christians, We Have Met to Worship with O Worship the King Lloyd Larson
Through the Love of God, Our Savior Tracey Craig McKibben
Be Thou My Vision Jeff Bennett
Fairest Lord Jesus Matt Schinske
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Jason W Krug
A Wondrous, New Name in Glory Patti Drennan
A Quiet Moment with "Amazing Grace" Mary McDonald
Sweet Hour of Prayer Larry Shackley