Have you been using the same set of piano books for years? Are there seasons in the church calendar when you just can't seem to find the right selections? Then you need "The Church Pianist's Library." Drawn from our long-running periodical The Church Pianist, each volume contains ninety-six pages of music that is satisfying to play but technically accessible and in a handy wire-bound format. The music is linked to the church calendar, and each piece is timed to help you plan ahead. It will be an instant boost to your repertoire at a very reasonable price.
Crown Him with Many Crowns - Lloyd Larson
God So Loved the World - Larry Shackley
Look Ye Saints The Sight Is Glorious - Mark Hayes
Beneath the Cross of Jesus - Ruth Elaine Schram
Hosanna Loud Hosanna - Barbara Boertje
Were You There? - Gregg Sewell
Bread of the World - Stanley E Saxton
Prayer of Need - Penny Rodriguez
All Hail the Power of Jesus´ Name - Janet Vogt
Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart - Mark Hayes
Holy Spirit Truth Divine - David Paxton
Sonata on Ebenezer - Robert W Thygerson
I Will Arise and Go to Jesus - Mary McDonald
Rejoice and Sing - Eugene Butler
Praise Him Praise Him - Jeff Bennett
Fantasia on Morning Song - Lani Smith
Largo - William S Flynn
Built on a Rock - Gilbert M Martin
Morning Has Broken - Lani Smith
Day by Day - Lloyd Larson
God of the Ages - Roger Summers
When Morning Gilds the Skies - Laura Bergquist
Sanctifying Light - James Southbridge
I Love to Tell the Story - Michael Cox
Variations on Fairest Lord Jesus - Anthony Giamanco
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus - Robert W Thygerson
Spirit of Joy - David Paxton
My Peace I Give You
Easter, General, Communion, Holy Week, Lent, Palm/Palm-Passion Sunday