Drawn from our long-running periodical "The Church Pianist," each volume of "The Church Pianist's Library" contains ninety-six pages of music that is satisfying to play but technically accessible and in a handy wire-bound format. The music is linked to the church calendar, and each piece is timed to help you plan ahead. This volume will be an instant boost to your repertoire at a very reasonable price.
Triumphal Entry - Eugene Butler
Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed? - Gilbert M Martin
The Day of Resurrection - Larry Shackley
In the Cross of Christ I Glory - Robert C Lau
Come Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain - Garrett Parker
Like a River Glorious - Kendall R Lord
Quiet Thoughts - R Kevin Boesiger
What a Friend We Have in Jesus - Martha Sherrill Kelsey
Morning Has Broken - Neil Maxey
Benediction - Larry Pugh
Aria - Anthony Giamanco
March in C - F J Haydn
Thine Is the Glory - Lee Dengler
Deep River - Mary McDonald
The Faithful - R Kevin Boesiger
Where He Leads Me - Todd Beaney
Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart - Lenny Seidel
Sing for Joy! - Lani Smith
Faith of Our Fathers - Janet Vogt
It Is Well - Jason W Krug
Meditation on "Land of Rest" - Anthony Giamanco
Fairest Lord Jesus - Larry Shackley
Glory Be to the Father - Jason W Krug
Love Lifted Me - Patti Drennan
Here´s One - Mark Hayes
Processional for a Joyful Day - Dale Wood
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - Larry Shackley
All the Way My Savior Leads Me - Shayla Blake
Eternal Father, Strong to Save - Gilbert M Martin
Rejoice, the Lord Is King - Lloyd Larson
An Offering - Jason W Krug
Marching in Christ´s Footsteps - Shayla Blake
Walk Worthy of the Lord - Lani Smith